Gabriel, philantropic artist

Nicola & Emmanuel
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+33 495 444 967

Gabriel, Dian'Arte Museum

What do you specialise in?

The DIAN'Arte Museum is a private museum that extends over almost 4000 m2 and exhibits hundreds of works of art between bronze sculptures of all sizes, Carrara marble, carved paintings, etc.

What makes your works unique?

Each work of art is unique and ranges from small works of a few centimetres high to 5-6 metres high for monumental pieces of art.

What made you choose Corsica as a place to express yourself and install your museum?

Despite the problems that can come with insularity (such as issues of inclusion and identity), the quality of life is incomparable! Let's not forget that the Greeks, the great navigators, called Corsica "Kallisté" or the most beautiful.

What would I gain from coming to the museum?

Hidden away on the Marana, the museum is a wonderful surprise, rich in culture and art. Be ready to encounter a philanthropic artist who lives his passion and communicates it with extraordinary enthusiasm, living today as if it were his last day and making plans as if he was eternal.